William Wheeler Anderson IMYIM, I am why I am
Fundamentals of The American Spirituality Party

Thursday, May 29, 2008

American Spirituality Party

We think we belong..., but to what? Ourselves, truly.

Running for President is my sure way to say, I believe in God because We The People are God. This means that between us we can do anything. Because we came across the ocean from Europe, and built this land, we have become change, and with that change is the moral right to help free others so that they can find a way, that is, to join the way to the future. What does it mean?

Running for President

Coming Next, the creativity of being instruction.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Simple Sample Reasoning

Public structures, schools, DOC structures, as well commercial that are under planning and/or construction, need to be halted to examine energy needs. The payback on geothermal and related design are more than compelling in a world with oil/gas prices rising, carbon footprints measured, as well, logical and cost effective financing. The power of the state government need act now.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Will of the People: Manifesto for Change

No matter how organized and sufficient government is in the minds of the office holders, bureaucrats, and corollary organizations, it is essential that all be prepared to re-organize at the will of the people. Government is no more or less than the people. Like the brain, thousands of thousands inputs create the function, but as the environment changes, so too must the government of the inputs. To remain static, merely feeds the bureaucracy.

Energy considerations are not solutions, but an opportunity of collaboration on every level, the most profound of all motivators, the cost of energy, places this at the forefront of considerations. How are WE to deal with the insurmountable task at hand? Can we expect the government of old to imagine what cannot be imagined? Should we watch as power/energy consortiums sort it out in order to maintain healthy profit margins? Are we kidded by media's herd mentality?

No. The business of the future must be elevated, and all parties brought together to review priorities. Strength does not belong to extravagant solutions, whether dotting the landscape with windmills or damming the rivers, the energy is of thought, of creating a new order, and where does it begin? Not by addressing new contacts, but bringing together solutions in financing and construction with all contacts. Time is the essence, that was the message Al Gore brought to the table, but we continue to believe it will be solved for us.

Our candidates tell us they can be the solution, but no. We are the problem, and we are the solution. Our government and it's corollaries believe they are managing, -but what we ask? No solution is autonomous anymore. Energy solutions are not a pastime, rather a dynamic of becoming better than we are. Iraq can be your obsession, but you better begin your phrasing by advancing ways to recreate and improve our society. The politics of blame and sidestepping are self-ridicule of the first order. Winning any and every war begins on the doorstep of need to advance.

You and we need heat to survive, and even cool, and while our companies are selling systems to oil rich countries in the middle east, of course! We are trading from a national weak point, corporations are capitalizing while the country is strangling. The hyperbole is wrenching, but think about it, where is the strength? Belief systems as strong as our national mission to advance free speaking and living people everywhere is straining belief, and most particularly, on the cost of oil, and our extravagant unthinking consumption. The flip side is that we need to be smart productive, and need to sell dynamically worldwide. The global marketplace is first ours, and the most compelling reason for the development of the community of man.

The question is why we are not donning our thinking caps screwed-on straight? When prices get inordinate, we shop elsewhere. 9/11 is merely a feather stroke compared to how gas prices are shoving it to America. The emergency must be addressed now.

Friday, May 09, 2008


Found from Myspace writings:
Creativity of seeing is Nativity, the birth of being.
In the beginning there was abyss and nobody knew what to with it but God, a rationally defined being, because even an irrationally defined God defies definition and is essentially a mysterious force. If we listen to Einstein, we learn that all mystery has definable variables,.. then that gives the emerging people who think, independently of church and government, something to go on, like biology, and physics, and for the way out there folk, quantum theory. Let's rock, why not? In the several thousand years of rationale, in some form, pre-ipod, one thing has remained unchanged as far as we normal humans can see, that's the cosmos. It's the evening wallpaper... What changes around us, and we have gotten silly enough to forget, is the handrail earth with all the little handrails that we hold onto so dearly. It seems steady and solid. The same dependence virtually, we get if you cling to a computer, a gun, a syringe, or a spiraling football, or what, -these are our personal gravitational fields, where we can think we are God. Darn, just makes me wanna do the Texas two Step, don't it?! The point is, life works when we're plugged-in, not unplugged. I think creatively, cling to my camera and take pictures of the breeze.

..in a pod cosmos, the seed, then the flower of being
If we all agree, then it's time to go onto
to the most beautiful discovery ever imagined,
a creative being in each of us, and
together we will change the world.

SUBJECT OF THE OBJECT IS YOU The philosophy of seeing, directly from Emerson, has to do with you as an observer, what you see and what you don't see, it a manifestation of your psyche. The subject of the object of your vision is always you. Alternatively, we can create what another sees, and has captured, but are only emulating a precursor, until we fall onto the flat plains of our self, and evolve into a creative being.

Nature "Every spirit builds itself a house and beyond its house a world and beyond its world a heaven. Know then that the world exists for you. For YOU is the phenomenon perfect. What we are, that only can we see. All that Adam had, all that Caesar could, you have and can do. Adam called his house, heaven and earth; Caesar called his house, Rome; you perhaps call yours, a cobbler's trade; a hundred acres of ploughed land; or a scholar's garret. Yet line for line point for point your dominion is as great as theirs, though without fine names. Build therefore your own world. As fast as you conform your life to the pure idea in your mind, that will unfold its great proportions." Emerson
Hello. Everybody knows this. 
I call it a flex-video.
In video writing we are brought to the test of mental recognition and comprehension, but nothing is more important than our focus, a little like caffeinated consumption of information, it leaves us amazed but empty. Same thing for the flicker bank of nothing, what does it mean? flex. bodybuilding.
We need to rethink feeling. 
We need to rethink God.

Dear ____, like crazy here. So cold. Your picture..you must be cold. I have one of your pieces on my computer, a woman with big do. Great. I was thinking that you are so prolific that a video would be a cool way to show the goods. If I was intown, I'd take it for you. That's what I'm doing, short videos for pr, as well, just showing the art. It's endless for me. An artist tells me look Bill, I say ok, can I take a video of your art? The videos on my page are simple look/see things, easy to jazz up with a soundtrack, and titles and #s overlaid. Youtube. Bingo, link or embed on your website. So, to answer your question, spinning.
As ever yours, Rumpelstiltskin

Saturday, May 03, 2008